Trinity College Dublin Launches ‘Realising Potential: A Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity 2022–2026’

Trinity College Dublin recently launched ‘Realising Potential: A Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity 2022–2026’. The vision ‘sport at the heart of the Trinity experience’ is for everyone, whatever their journey or level of engagement, whether it is for wellbeing, social, skill development, performance or fun. The mission is to ‘inspire, engage and connect people through sport in a suitable, inclusive and supportive environment.’ The strategy aims to encourage the entire college community to get involved and be the best that they can be at a level of their choosing.

Trinity Strategy for Sport Launch

Dr. Linda Doyle, Provost, Trinity College Dublin commented, “I’m delighted to launch ‘Realising Potential: A Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity at Trinity College Dublin’. Sport is such an important feature of life at Trinity; it really matters to the overall student experience and student life on campus. One of the things I really love about this strategy is that it talks about sport and physical activity in a way that ensures all students, staff and the wider community can engage in sport and physical activity in an inclusive environment.”

Prof. Catherine McCabe, Dean of Students, Trinity College Dublin commented, “Sport is an incredible vehicle for student engagement, alongside the health and fitness benefits, students that engage in sport tend to be more engaged academically and socially. The targets set out in the Trinity Strategy for Sport and physical activity will have a direct benefit for all our students and aim to provide a range of diverse sporting and activity opportunities that are accessible to all our students. Sport and physical activity are a key part of campus life and a positive student experience.”

Michelle Tanner, Head of Sport and Recreation, Trinity College Dublin commented at the launch, “This ambitious strategy for sport is dedicated to ensuring that sport is at the heart of the Trinity experience. We want to create an environment that is supportive, suitable and inclusive so that everyone can engage in sport whether they are competing competitively, playing socially, developing skills, or for health and wellbeing. We look forward to working with staff, students, sport clubs and collaborating with national governing bodies, Sport Ireland and other partners to bring this plan to fruition.”

Leah Keogh, President, Trinity College Dublin Students Union commented, “The student experience is at the heart of the strategy for sport, it is fantastic to see Trinity Sport are dedicating resources to ensure that sporting and physical activity opportunities will be increased for all members of the student body in an inclusive environment.”

Matthew Simons, Chairperson of DUCAC said, “The strategy for sport is dedicated to putting the students’ needs and experiences first, it is exciting to see plans in place for the development of student sporting opportunities and facilities. I’m looking forward to working with colleagues in Trinity Sport in my role as Chairperson of DUCAC to increase participation, creating a more inclusive environment in our sport clubs and expanding the professional development opportunities for students via sport.”

To read ‘Realising Potential: A Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity at Trinity 2022 – 2026’ please click here.