Student Sport Ireland Media Release 20th May 2020
Student Sport Ireland, the governing body for third level sport and physical activity on the island of Ireland, welcomes the Irish Government’s announcement of the formation of a Return to Sport Expert Group following the publication of The Roadmap for Reopening of Society and Business.
The third level sector is a key pillar of the Irish sporting landscape and with 30 affiliated colleges and universities (colleges) Student Sport Ireland occupies a unique position within Irish sport. Aligned to the National Sports Policy (2018- 2027) Student Sport Ireland advocates for and supports the work of its affiliated colleges in the delivery of sport and physical activity to over 200,000 students throughout the island of Ireland. With the phased reopening of colleges Student Sport Ireland will play a central role in supporting our affiliated colleges sports staff and sports clubs at a crucial time in the students’ holistic development.
Following campus closures on 12th March 2020 the sector quickly adapted with Sports Department staff working remotely to support students. During the lockdown sports’ staff innovation and resilience has led to the development of quality online engagement with specific emphasis on student health and wellbeing, in addition to individualized support for our high performance student athletes.
Guided by government and health authority advice, and with the support of our affiliated colleges, Student Sport Ireland has initiated work on a phased plan for the return of sport and physical activity at third level on the commencement of the new academic term this September. Student Sport Ireland will liaise with and be informed by Sport Ireland, Sport Northern Ireland, the National Governing Bodies of Sport, and the Federation of Irish Sport in the development of this plan. As with all our activities this phased plan will prioritise the health, wellbeing and safety of students, coaches, and staff.
In conclusion the Student Sport Ireland Board and its members would like to thank and acknowledge all the frontline workers whose work and bravery has so expertly guided and supported our society during this time of crisis for our country.
Posted on behalf of SSI President, Ms Carmel Lynch
Student Sport Ireland is recognised by Sport Ireland and Sport Northern Ireland as the governing body for third level sport on the island of Ireland. With its office located at Irish Sport HQ SSI has 30 affiliated third level colleges and universities representing over 200,000 students. The organisation is funded by its affiliated colleges and receives an annual core grant funding from Sport Ireland.
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