Networking Event 2011

Please find below the presentations delivered at the 3rd annual CUSAI Networking Event. The event entitled ‘Increasing physical activity in third level colleges’ was held in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone on the 26th and 27th May 2011 and featured presentations from representatives from memeber institutions, National Governing Bodies and Private Sector Organisations.


Engaging the Inactive: The Key Elements of a Sustainable Physical Activity Programme (Ms. Fiona Coyne, Irish Sports Council).

Developing a Culture of Physical Activity on a College Campus (Ms. Niamh O’Callaghan, Dublin IT).

Developing a Slí na Sláinte Route (Ms. Edel Byrne, National Coordinator Slí na Sláinte).

Increasing Student Participation in Physical Activity. (Mr. Humphrey Murphy, ILC Consultants).

Social Media: The Ways an Means (Ms. Rosie Broderick, CEO

Social Networking in Practice (Ms. Yvonne McGowan, DCU Senior Sports Development Officer).