Honorary Members

Honorary Membership is awarded to SSI members deemed to have made an outstanding contribution to the development of higher education sport on the island.

This category of membership has been developed in recent years to actively encourage the retention of colleagues who as members of ISSA, CUSAI and SSI in various institutions of higher education have developed significant experience, expertise, knowledge, and information relating to higher education sport and physical activity. 

Honorary Members are entitled to attend SSI General Meetings, up to two representatives of the college of Honorary Members can vote at the AGM while up to one Honorary Member can be appointed to the SSI Board at any one time.

In recognition of their outstanding contribution to the development of third level sport on the island of Ireland, the following colleagues have been awarded Honorary Membership of Student Sport Ireland:

Hon. Member
Kevin Barnes
University College Dublin
Dave Billings (RIP)
University College Dublin
Seamus Byrne
Dublin IT
Philip Carson
University of Ulster Coleraine
Carson Clarke (RIP)
Ulster University
Noel Collins
Cork Institute of Technology
Maureen Cusdin
Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Paul Donnelly
Ulster University
Kieran Dowd
University College Cork
Cathy Gallagher
Trinity College Dublin
Paddy Gallagher
Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Gerry Horkan
University College Dublin
Brendan Johnston (RIP)
Dundalk IT
John Kerrane
Dublin City University
Josh Lapsley
Ulster University
Carmel Lynch
IT Carlow
David Mahedy
University of Limerick
Terry McAuley
Trinity College Dublin
Herbie McClelland
TU Dublin
Trish McFarland
Ulster University
Patsy McGonagle
Letterkenny IT
Liz McLaughlin
Queen’s University Belfast
Brian Mullins (RIP)
University College Dublin
Prof. Patrick Meenan (RIP)
University College Dublin
Richard O’Hara
Athlone IT
Dr Tony O’Neill (RIP)
University College Dublin
Tony Regan
NUI Galway
Frank Ryan
Galway Mayo IT
Cyril Smyth
Trinity College Dublin
Dr Tom Stark
UU Coleraine
Peter Smyth
Sport Ireland
Prof. Trevor West (RIP)
Trinity College Dublin
Michael Whelan
Dublin IT
Joanne Wylde (RIP)
Trinity College Dublin